Sunday, 4 September 2011


In a world so focused on consumerism and debt the basic things are labelled as “secrets”, when I think of the title “Money secrets of...” I can’t help but thinking “how sad that we now regard it as secrets”, definitely some years ago it would have been regarded as just simple common sense.

There is no “money secrets” in Lorilee Craker’s book, just some basic common sense that from time to time we should be reminded of. Nowadays we seem to have our priorities in the wrong place and in these economic times is now, more important than ever to have well set our priorities. In the Amish world this seems to be simplicity, family, and among “their secrets”, avoid debt, live with less, shop second hand, buy what you really need, be self-sufficient in whatever you can, trade for goods and services, save more and be as resourceful as you can. I have to say, that most of all the “tips and tricks” were already known and practised in my household, however the book left me completely inspired to continue the same lifestyle and even try a couple of new things.

The narrative style with nice touches of humour make this book a page turner. If you are on the frugal side of life and you value the simple and basic things in life this book will not disappoint you.