Friday 2 January 2009

Natural Parents

We consider ourselves natural parents, we practise attachment parenting, we co-sleep, breastfeed and carry our babies in slings. At home everything is cooked from scratch and most of what we eat is done at home, including bread. We try to keep a healthy lifestyle, we go for long walks and keep fit, we do exercise, yoga and swimming. When is needed, we also try to help our bodies in their recovery through natural remedies, homeopathy, rest and a proper diet, resorting to traditional medicine (NHS) only when there is no other alternative.

In our family every single member is respected and valued just for being that important component of the family. We are going back to basics. We try to keep our family as close to nature as possible.

Our ultimate goal is being able to move to a more peaceful environment where our children can grow more in contact with nature, wrapped by the warmth of our extended family and spending as much time as possible with us. Our plan is to be able to build a regular income online that would allow us to give that big step.

This diary will narrate our journey as a family, our attempts to build our income online, what works and what not, our daily life, books that we read, information that we find interesting, things that we value, recipes and a bit of everything. All small pieces that fill our lives and make us what we are.

We would love your company, your contribution, and your suggestions. Do share our journey. Let’s go back to basics.

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